Today Nepali Date


Today's Nepali date is live here. Nepali months are different than the Gregorian months. Here you can find the accurate current dates and time of Nepali year 2080.

Nepali date ( Vikram Sambat) is also known as the Vikrami calendar. It is the historical calendar used in Nepal and some Indian states. Vikram Samvat is usually 57 years ahead of the Gregorian calendar, but 56 years ahead from January to April. Along with the Nepal Sambat, it is one of the two official calendars of Nepal. It is also used in several states in India. The traditional Vikram Sambat calendar used in India uses lunar months and solar star years. The Nepalese Bikram Sambat, introduced in 1901 AD, also uses the solar sidereal year.

Nepali Date Format

YYYY-MM-DD is the official date format for the Bikram Sambat calendar used in Nepal. The mmm d, yyyy format is often used together with the yyyy mm dd format when reading and writing full BS data. For example, the 23rd day of Chaitra, 2080 BS can be read and written as Chaitra 23, 2080 , or 2080 Chaitra 23 . A use case for Vikram Samvat's YYYY-MM-DD is his Onlinekhabar, an online news portal.

If you use the Gregorian calendar, you can use both the YYY-MM-DD (24/08/2023) and the DD/MM/YYYY (24/08/2023) formats. The D/M/Y (24 August 2023) format is used to describe a full Gregorian date, but the M/D/Y (24 August 2023) format is also acceptable. All government documents must be completed in YYYY-MM-DD format . The week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday in Nepal.

Nepali dates contain the following names in Nepali months:

Nepali Months Gregorian Months
बैशाख April – May
जेठ May – Junen
असार June – July
श्रावण July – August
भद्र August – September
आश्विन September – October
कार्तिक October – November
मंसिर November – December
पुष December – January
माघ January – February
फाल्गुन February – March
चैत्र March – April


Nepali days contain the following names in Nepali week:

Nepali Week Gregorian Week
आइतबार Sunday
सोमबार Monday
मंगलबार Tuesday
बुधबार Wednesday
बिहिबार Thursday
शुक्रबार Friday
शनिबार Saturday

The Nepali calendar is used as a national calendar by the people of Nepal and is also used symbolically by Hindus in northern, western, and central India. Southern India and parts of eastern and western India (Assam, West India). The Indian calendar is widely used.