Date Converter

Nepali to English

English (AD) : 23 October 2024, Wednesday

English to Nepali

Nepali (BS) : 7 Kartik 2081, Wednesday

Our date converter tool allows users to easily convert a date from one calendar system to another. For example, a date converter can be used to convert a date in the English calendar (also known as the Gregorian calendar) to the Nepali calendar.

The Nepali calendar is used by the Nepali-speaking population in Nepal, India, and other countries around the world. It is based on the Saka calendar and is a lunar calendar with 12 months. The Nepali year begins in mid-April and is approximately 56 years ahead of the English calendar.

The date converter will provide you with the corresponding date in the Nepali calendar. For example, if you enter "January 1" as the English date, the date converter will show you the equivalent Nepali date, which will be "Poush 15" in the Nepali calendar.

It is important to note that the conversion from the English calendar to the Nepali calendar is not always straightforward, as the two calendars do not have the same number of days in each month. For example, while January has 31 days in the English calendar, the month of Poush in the Nepali calendar has only 29 or 30 days, depending on the year.

Overall, a date converter is a useful tool for anyone who needs to convert dates between different calendar systems, such as when planning events or making travel arrangements. Whether you are working with the English calendar or the Nepali calendar, a date converter can help you accurately convert dates and avoid any confusion or misunderstandings.

How To Use Date Converter Nepali to English?

The Nepali to English Date Converter, also known as the BS to AD Date Converter, helps change dates from the Nepali calendar (BS) to the English calendar (AD). This tool makes it easy to switch between these two different date systems, which is helpful for things like planning trips, official paperwork, and talking to people who use the English calendar. 

Converting Nepali dates into English dates can be a straightforward process using our tool. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Navigate to the "Nepali to English" Section: Look for the "Nepali to English" section at the top of this page.

  2. Select the Nepali Date (BS): Once you're in the right section, choose the Nepali date you wish to convert. Nepali dates are typically represented in the Bikram Sambat (BS) calendar, which is the official calendar of Nepal.

  3. Click the "Convert to English" Button: After entering the Nepali date in the provided field, click the "Convert to English" button or a similar function. The tool will process the information and generate the corresponding English date, following the Gregorian calendar (AD).

  4. View Your Converted Date: The converted English date (AD) will be displayed at the top of the page, providing you with an easily accessible reference.

This conversion process makes it convenient for individuals who need to bridge the gap between Nepali and English date systems. It is particularly valuable for various purposes, including travel planning, official documentation, and communication with individuals outside of Nepal. Using these user-friendly tools, you can effortlessly convert Nepali dates into their English equivalents, ensuring smooth coordination and communication across different date systems.

How To Use Date Converter English to Nepali?

To use a date converter to convert a date from the English calendar to the Nepali calendar, you will need to know the month and day of the English date.

Converting English dates to Nepali dates is a simple process with the help of our tool. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use a date converter from English (AD) to Nepali (BS):

  1. Locate the "English to Nepali" Section: Look for the "English to Nepali" or similar section at the top of the page.

  2. Select Date in English (AD): Within the tool, find the option to input the English date in the Gregorian calendar (AD). This is the calendar commonly used worldwide.

  3. Click "Convert to Nepali" Button: After entering the English date in the provided field, click the "Convert to Nepali" button. The tool will process the information and generate the corresponding Nepali date in the Bikram Sambat (BS) calendar.

  4. View Your Converted Date: The converted Nepali date (BS) will typically be displayed at the top of the page, making it easily accessible for your reference.

This process allows individuals to conveniently convert English dates into their Nepali counterparts, which is particularly useful for those who need to interact with the Nepali date system for various reasons, such as cultural events, travel plans, or communication with individuals in Nepal. These tools simplify cross-calendar coordination, making it easier to work with dates from different systems.

About Our Nepali Date Converter

This is our tool which is very easy to use, and it can easily convert dates from the Gregorian calendar, which is the internationally accepted civil calendar, to the Bikram Sambat calendar, which is used in Nepal.

It can also convert dates from the Bikram Sambat calendar to the Gregorian calendar. The Bikram Sambat calendar is a lunar calendar, so the length of the months and the starting dates of the years vary from year to year. Nepali Date Converter allows users to easily convert dates between these two calendars, making it easier to work with dates in Nepal.